How to Clean Rudraksha? A Step by Step Guide to Maintain your Rudraksha

How to Clean Rudraksha? A Step by Step Guide to Maintain your Rudraksha

Importance to Clean and Maintain your Rudraksha?

Rudraksha are purest form of energy that were created by Lord Shiva's tears. Natural Rudraksha beads are divine objects that if taken care well can last for upto 1000 years and passed on to multiple generations. 

The improper maintanence of pure Rudraksha beads can lead of reduced level of energies and result to developing cracks. If conditioned well these divine rudraksha can give wonders of result to the wearer. Therefore it is very important to cleanse, condition and maintain your Rudraksha.

How to Clean your Rudraksha?

Follow these steps to clean the rudraksha:

  1. Wash your Rudraksha under running water.
  2. Dry your Rudraksha well to avoid fungus. 
  3. Apply oil using a toothbrush on Rudraksha.

Details on Process of Cleaning Rudraksha

1. Wash your Rudraksha under running water

Washing your rudraksha with pure water is the one of the most nescessary steps to be followed while cleaning, conditioning and maintaining your Rudraksha. While washing your rudraksha in water you can use toothbrush to remove the dirt and excess oil particles that are stuck into the pores of Rudraksha. 

This process is very easy and can be done at home without any expert support. After wearing rudraksha for a long time, a layer of dirt is accumulated into the pores of rudraksha which will  eventually reduce the energy and effect of the pure rudraksha beads. That's why its is a very important step to follow to cleanse and maintain your rudraksha for better results. 

Do not use soap while cleaning your Rudraksha with water as the soap might enter the pores of the rudraksha beads and remember to clean the rudraksha only through pure water. There is absolutely no need to use any harsh chemicals such as detergent to cleanse the rudraksha beads as it can damage the Rudraksha and can reduce its powerful effects. 

2. Dry your Rudraksha well to avoid fungus. 

The drying process of the rudraksha is a nescessary step to follow after washing the rudraksha will plain water. The drying process ensures that any moisture that might be in the rudraksha is removed which will eventually stop the production of any fungus or any other smell that can hamper the life of rudraksha. 

The Rudraksha beads can be dried under hot sun in places where the weather is very hot. The rudraksha should be kept in a cotton cloth or paper so that the water /moisture inside the rudrakshas is dried well. You must also make sure that you change the direction of rudrakshas repeatedly to ensure that the rudrakshas are dried from all the sides. 

The Rudraksha can also be dried using a hair dryer which has hot air flow function. This drying process is best for those who don't have the means to dry the rudraksha under hot sun. The hair dryer must be kept closer to the rudraksha so that proper heat and flow of air drying the rudraksha. The rudrakshas must have their direction changed to make sure the air reaches every part of the bead. 

3. Apply Oil using a toothbrush on Rudraksha

The oil applying process is required to perform after the cleaning has been done in order to maximize the benefits of rudraksha and increase the life of the rudraksha. The oil should pass through the pores of rudraksha in order to gain maximum coverage. A simple human toothbrush can be used to apply oil across the outer texture of rudraksha thoroughly. 

The applying is not a very difficult process but still there are some things you need to take care while performing this task. Make sure the oil that you are applying is non-sticky in nature. Use an oil that is just a similar as a hair oil or any non-sticky oil. Don't apply ghee or mustard oil as it will make the rudraksha sticky and will attract dust. 

Before applying oil you should also make sure that rudraksha is well dried because wet rudraksha can form fungus on it. After well drying apply oil with a soft tooth brush so that you don't damage the edges of the rudraksha. Don't dip the rudraksha inside the oil. Just apply using toothbrush to make sure it reaches all the corners of the rudraksha. 

How to Maintain Rudraksha for longlife?

1. Keep Rudraksha in fridge while not wearing

Rudrakshas are mostly grown in cold places into the himalayas and are very much conditioned to that environment. In cold weather rudraksha is at its most optimal state and is healthy as well. The energy of the rudraksha is preserved in cold environment which makes us easy to get superb benefits out of it. 

The best way to keep rudraksha in a cold environment is to put your rudraksha inside your refrigerator while you are not wearing it. Rudraksha should not be kept in hotter climates while not is use as it might cause the rudraksha to loose the preserved energy. The rapid change of climate can cause the rudraksha to expand and contract, which in turn can develop cracks on the rudraksha. 

The rudraksha should be kept in the refrigerator by first packing the rudraksha beads in an air tight pouch or Box. It is highly nescessary to protect the rudraksha from the unwanted moisture that the fridge produces. Keeping in a airtight pouch or box will keep the rudraksha in cold climate while protecting it from outside forces. 

2. Remove Rudraksha while sleeping. 

It is highly recommended that you remove your rudraksha before going to bed due to a variety of reasons. While it is not a rule to remove rudraksha while sleeping, it is recommended by us for your own comfort because rudraksha beads have thorny prostutions which may cause an injury in your skin while sleeping as there is high chance that you may rub it against your body unintentionally while sleeping. 

The Rudraksha beads have to be worn in either a mala, locket or bracelet form in our body. While sleeping you have to move and not know that your body is pushing against the rudraksha you are wearing. Sometimes there is a high chance that we may push hard during sleeping which may cause the rudraksha jewelry to break and come out. 

So to prevent both of these we recommend rudraksha should be removed before sleeping. While sleeping we are not in conscious state and only the sub-consious mind is working and during that time rudraksha won't work in our body or brain so there is no reason to wear rudraksha while sleeping. 

3. Remove Rudraksha while taking Shower / Bath. 

Rudraksha should be removed while taking a shower or while bathing. It is highly important that you do not expose the rudraksha to your bathing sessions because during showering we tend to use a lot of other things beside only water. We wash our body with various types of soaps, shampoos, body wash and conditioner. 

The things such as soap, body wash, shampoo and conditioner get into the pores of the rudraksha while we take the shower. Even after multiple rinses these chemicals do not get removed from rudraksha and will form a layer. The soaps contains chemicals which cause dehydration of the rudraksha that is not good for the rudraksha. 

The dehydration of rudraksha will cause multiple issues in the rudraksha. Overtime the rudraksha will develop big cracks which will expose the seeds inside making the rudraksha powerless. Even if big cracks do not develop, the dehydration will reduce the life of rudraksha. So you must never wear rudraksha while taking a bath or shower. 

4. Avoid putting any Chemicals like perfume, lotions etc

In today's time you may apply a variety of chemicals such as perfume, lotion, makeup and other such things on your body. But it is not at all recommended to apply these things on your rudraksha. Even while applying these on your body, you must make sure that rudraksha is not be worn on your body or if worn then rudraksha should be tuck inside the clothes. 

Rudraksha is a pure divine natural fruit seed and it is highly nescessary that it doesn't come in direct contact with human created chemicals. Application of perfumes, lotions or makeup products on rudraksha can reduce the energy of rudraksha and waste the impact of rudraksha that should instead be on our body. 

When such items are applied on rudraksha the essential oils in the rudraksha are damaged and this can even cause the dehydration of rudraksha. Ultimately the rudraksha will be ineffective and the life of rudraksha is also impacted. Hence it is absolutely important to make sure rudraksha is not exposed to any sort of chemicals. 

Author : Ankur Agrawal

If these beads are properly maintained and taken care off they can stick through a long time. It is suggested that one can wear it 7 days a week to attain maximum benefits. One person can wear more than one or a combination of mukhis but they must check which is most suitable for them.

 Various mukhis have various advantages it ranges from therapeutic pros like it helps during distress and impairment and general benefits such as decision making, judgement and even health and spiritual boons. These miraculous beads are used in meditation practices also. These pearls should be respected and treated with care because they aren’t ordinary.

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